Wholesale Information
Are you looking to add Healing Amber to your store? We offer the highest quality in Genuine Baltic Amber straight from our Artisans in Lithuania!
Our story:
We were looking for natural products for our family and to bring in to our eco-friendly store. After much research, we found out about baltic amber and how it has been used for centuries for healing and pain. Our journey began and we have continued to grow and enjoy hearing all the wonderful success stories!!
We offer many styles and sizes, fast shipping, retailer support and lots of other wonderful perks for you!
Why you should shop with us?
- We carry the largest, in stock selection of high quality, genuine baltic amber products
- 11 different sizes so you can find the perfect fit
- Order easily online or through your dedicated sales rep
- Excellent return policy
- We have a fast shipping guarantee so you can optimize your inventory and easily inform your customers of when you can get them their favourite products (That's right, a true guarantee! Ask for details)
- Drop shipping!
- Beautiful product information cards which make it easy to display and inform your customers
- Excellent customer service and support for our retailers
- We understand what retailers need, we have true retail experience
- We listen to our retailers!
We currently are accepting stores in North America: Canada and the United States.
New Accounts please fill out the above contact form or send us an email: healingamber.ca@gmail.com